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Your job search doesn't have to be overwhelming.


If you need career direction, a confidence boost, or a resume that shows you off...


I’ve got your back —

it all gets better from here!

Hi, I'm Sheila. 


I’ve been breathing life into dull resumes and ineffective job searches since starting Career Collaborations in 2008.


You might say I had a successful career previously, but the truth is that I followed an exceptionally windy and unintentional path. (Here's a snapshot of my education and career journey, if you're interested.)


I worked for and beside great people, but the jobs themselves were only marginally fulfilling and I never quite felt like I’d found my calling…


That is, until a week in 2008 when I helped two people transform the message and appearance of their resumes.


Inspired by their relief and excitement, I had an "aha moment" that led me to become a Certified Professional Resume Writer and start a business that’s thrived ever since.


The mistakes I made in navigating my own career path—and the lessons I’ve learned since about how I could have avoided them—shaped my passion for providing career services with exceptional client care.


I love providing objective insights that help people overcome their fears;


I love helping people shape strategies and tactics that make career transitions more deliberate, effective, and rewarding;


and I love creating shiny new documents that help my clients approach their job searches with swagger.


I am passionate about continually learning industry best practices and leveraging that expertise to help you find the right path and put your best foot forward, as intentionally and painlessly as possible.




My background in the investment industry makes me especially qualified to help financial services professionals, but my clients range from teachers to engineers and from recent graduates to C-Level executives at publicly traded companies.


I don’t have a “typical client” in terms of industry sector or title.


What my clients tend to have in common is an intense drive to excel, combined with frustration that their unique value is not captured properly in their professional positions or personal marketing messages.








Sheila Camillus


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